Spring Garden
Well here we are with spring on our doorstep, after an extremely wet and wild August, and a devastating flood to top off the month, in our little piece of paradise in the Top of the South.
So many residents have lost everything and its going to be a long road to recovery.
We have been extremely lucky to have come out of the floods unscathed property wise, up on our hillside, but I have lost a number of small plants that were growing on for future sales.
With a little bit of sunshine heading our way after what seems like weeks without it, the plants are really getting a move on and a number of the special potted bulbs are putting on a real flower show.
I cannot wait for the Moraea (peacock iris) to make their floriferous appearance. Thankfully the plants in the garden have not been affected by the heavy rainfall during August. The Moraea do so well for me here up on the north facing hillside, free draining and almost free of frost. However they can be grown very well in pots and kept dry during their summer dormancy. They are also relatively easy to germinate from seed, sown in autumn and I have the seed available of several Moraea Species most of the year. The bulbs come on line around Xmas time but they sell out quickly. I really think the Moraea are my all-time favourite bulbous plant, one of the most asked after plants in the garden when they are in bloom.
The Collectable Oxalis species are another bulbous plant I am passionate about and I have a large collection of these as well. Most flower in autumn through the cooler months providing valuable colour at this time of the year. Most are potted, naturally, as some can be a tad naughty if they escape in the garden. In saying that I do have pockets of the more well behaved species planted in the garden.
It never fails to amuse me when we attend a market and I have Oxalis on the table for sale. Customers are taken by the colourful flowers and then read the label on the plant and say “oh no, my husband would kill me if I took that home”. It seems to be a bloke thing with Oxalis, my husband is no different!!! He has had to learn to live with them over the years and has gracefully accepted these collectable species are part of our lives.
May you enjoy your spring garden, I trust the weather is going to be a little kinder and to those of you we meet at the few markets we attend around the district, we look forward to seeing you. If we haven’t met you before and you have read this blog do make yourself known to us if you find us when you are out and about.
Happy Gardening